September: Best of Bitter End

What We're Reading: As Long As It Takes By Capt Bill Pinkney

June 9, 1992, Captain Pinkney sailed his boat, Commitment, into Boston Harbor after completing a twenty-two month solo-cIrcumnavigation of the globe. As the first African-American to sail alone via Cape Horn through the dangerous Southern Ocean, the journey was even more special because of the inspiring message he sent to children about their dreams, education, and, above all, commitment.

Read with Us!

Remembering a Legend

From the heart of the BVI, the Bitter End Crew bids farewell to our friend, Jimmy Buffett. Jimmy & his legacy embody the island spirit we hold dear at the Bitter End and his songs captured the essence of the Caribbean, where time moves slower, and life is meant to be savored.

Our Spotify Playlists are updated monthly so there’s always something new to move & groove to!