Bitter End Yacht Club

Welcome Aboard, Ed! How does it feel to be at the helm of Bitter End Yacht Club? There are so many thoughts that come to mind…it is more than your typical excitement of taking on a new project. Bitter End...
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Welcome Back Bitter Enders! This month we raised the flag and celebrated another amazing start to the Caribbean season!  What We're Reading: Boat Girl by Elizabeth Fescue Written for a Young Adult Audience with a special mention of Bitter End! Fifteen-year-old Caitlin...
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What We're Reading: As Long As It Takes By Capt Bill Pinkney June 9, 1992, Captain Pinkney sailed his boat, Commitment, into Boston Harbor after completing a twenty-two month solo-cIrcumnavigation of the globe. As the first African-American to sail alone...
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Dear Friends of Bitter End, It’s hard to believe that almost six years ago, Hurricane Irma ripped through the BVI; her eye passing directly over Bitter End. Bitter End Rising confirms there is truth to the adage that after every...
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